Use this tool to set the origin of the grid and of the rulers. You can also move the origin of the rulers by dragging their upper left corner.
Use this tool to change the size of the plotter’s page.
Here you can see the actual value of the kerning. Change the kerning using the arrows or the cursor keys on your keyboard.
Enter here the new kerning value of the current letters pair. Values can range from -1000 to 1000 and are espressed in 1/1000th of an em. An em is the size of the wides character in a font, usually the M.
Enter here the pair of letter whose kerning needs to be changed.
Click on a pair to change its kerning value.
Use this popup menu to choose the style of the font.
Use this popup menu to select a font.
Text creates new text in the document. Click to create a new block of text or drag to specify its size.
Template Use
To move the template in the document, use this tool.
Distribuite Objects
To distribuite Object, click this box.
Align Objects
To align object, click this box.
Top, Center & Bottom
Select one of this controls to specify the kind of aligment you want to use.
To apply vertical alignment to the selected objects, click this box.
Left, Center & Right
Select one of this controls to specify the kind of aligment you want to use.
To apply horizontal alignment to the selected objects, click this box.
Use this menu to select a font’s style which will be used to substitute for the missing font.
Use this menu to select a font which will be used to substitute for the missing font.
Use this menu to select a different viewing scale for the text. The actual size of the text will not be affected.
To see the text in the document without closing the dialog, click this button.
Use Kerning
To use Kerning information, click this box.
Line Length
This field shows the lenght of the longest line of text in the block. Enter a value (followed by Tab) to scale the text to a particular lenght.
Horizontal Scaling
Enter here the horizontal scale to be used in the text. 100 is the standard scale. Use a lower value for compressed text or a higher one for expanded text.
Word Space
Enter here the spacing between words in the text. 100 is the standard spacing, 200 twice its size and 50 half of it.
Letters Space
Enter here the spacing between letter in the text. 100 is the standard spacing, 200 its size and 50 half of it.
Use this menu to choose the alignment for the text in the block.
Enter here the Leading. The leading is the distance between different lines in a block. You can also select Solid (normal) or Auto (auto) leading.
To use a particular size type its value here. The size can also be followed by a letter (e.g. "12A") if you want that letter to be exactly the specified size. The unit can be specified in the Preferences dialog.
To use a style type its name, or part of it, then press Tab or choose it from the popup menu.
To use a font type its name, or part of it, then press Tab or choose it from the popup menu.
Go & Pause
To pause or resume the execution of the current job, click here.
Cancel Job
To cancel the current job, click here.
Read Size
Click here to ask to the plotter the size of the page currently inserted. It will not be possible to read the size if the plotter is not properly connected or if it is already working.
Vertical Overlap
Enter here the Vertical Overlap between different pages. An overlap value of 0 means that pages will not overlap.
Horizontal Overlap
Enter here the Horizontal Overlap between different pages. An overlap value of 0 means that pages will not overlap.
Pages Vertical
Enter here the number of Vertical Pages you want to use.
Pages Horizontal
Enter here the number of Horizontal Pages you want to use.
To setup your document so that it is oriented for landscape (wide) plotting, click this box.
To set up your document so that it is oriented for portrait (tall) plotting, click this box.
Feed Instruction
To automatically feed paper at the end of any job, click this box. Not available if feeding instructions are not supported by the selected plotter.
Custom Size
Type here the Vertical Size of your custom plotter page.
Custom Size
Type here the Horizontal Size of your custom plotter page.
Stansard Size
Use this popup menu to select a Standard Size for the page of the plotter.
Custom Size
To use a special size for the plotter’s page, click this box.
Standard Size
To use one of the Standard Page Sizes in the popup menu on the right, click this box.
Optimize Plotting Order
To optimize the order of plotted object shapes, click this box.
Bounding Box
To draw a box containing all the plotted objects, click this box.
Vertical Spacing
Type here the Vertical Spacing between different copies.